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Discover the benefits of

Harmony enables any organisation to benefit from RAIN RFID in minutes. Discover the benefits to your organisation.

Discover the benefits of

Harmony enables any organisation to benefit from RAIN RFID in minutes. Discover the benefits to your organisation.

It's Fast

With RFID, it is possible to count hundreds of items in just the blink of an eye. In fact, you don't even have to see the item you're counting, as RFID can count what's inside a closed box. This drastically improves counting processes and speeds up your logistics in general.


By tagging items individually, you can now be 100% sure that items are exactly where they should be. A quick scan before a shipment leaves your warehouse can identify potential problems.

Say goodbye to incorrect shipments

Easy to adopt

With Harmony, you no longer need to be an RFID expert to get started. In fact, with our extensive documentation and support opportunities, we can get you up and running in no time.

Hardware independent

Harmony is completely hardware agnostic. Buy hardware from any large UHF RFID provider and Harmony will do the rest. This enables you to choose the best hardware for your situation. No worries if you're new to RFID, with decades of RFID experience, we can advice you to get started quickly.

And Scalable

The benefit if Harmony being a cloud platform, is that you never have to worry about capacity of servers or local devices. Our system scales easily. Just add more readers, and we'll do the rest.


Send us a message and we'll help out as soon as we can.


Send us a message and we'll help out as soon as we can.